Consulting, Credit Research, Debt Collection, Delinquency Reporting, Receivable Management, Insolvency Support


1670 Old Country Road, Plainview, NY 11803

(631) 773-4450

commercial debt collection challenges overcoming debt collection obstacles

Commercial debt collection is a task loaded with challenges. Each case is its unique mystery that needs, aside from patience and persistence, a personalized strategy to solve. However, several factors can prove to be hindrances to the process, and a calculated game plan must be put in place for them. In this article, we will talk about the difficulties of debt recovery and the techniques that can be employed to solve them.

The Challenges
  • Bad Economy – Businesses experience liquidity problems during economic downturns, and this makes it difficult for them to repay debts. A rise in delinquent accounts may happen as a result.
  • Inability to Pay – It is much harder to recover the outstanding amount when a debtor files for bankruptcy. In this situation, debts can only be partially recovered through the courts.
  • Legal Difficulties – Each jurisdiction has different debt collection laws, and these rules call for expertise. Errors in the legal procedure may cause delays and extra expenses or nullify the debt recovery efforts.
  • Communication Breakdown – Attempts to collect debt may be hampered if debtors are not responding to collection efforts. They may even contest the legality of the debt.
  • Resource Limitations – Delays in recovery due to irregular payments may result from small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) not having the funds available for the commitment.
Resolving Challenges
  • Credit Risk Management – Evaluate the borrower’s creditworthiness and track the person’s credit exposure to determine credit limits. This is a way of managing the risks of commercial debts. It helps predict probable defaults, and prompt interventions can be devised.
  • Using Technology – Collecting debts can be made easier by modern technology. Software, analytics tools, and automated reminder systems can assist with managing communications, keeping track of payments, and identifying high-risk accounts. They make debt recovery efforts more efficient.
  • Preemptive Communication – Establish regular and clear communication with debtors. Send courteous and punctual reminders in advance of the deadline. Make email follow-ups if the payment is not received. Keep the tone professional to preserve the business relationship with the said client.
  • Negotiation and Settlement – A payment plan can be discussed in situations where debtors are having great financial difficulties. Recovering part of the debt can be arranged by ironing out flexible terms, like reasonable installments over a longer period.
  • Hiring a Collection Agency – This is probably the best and smartest move to handle ALL of the above items. If a company doesn’t have the manpower, skills, and/or the time to deal with the day to day handling of debt collection. RHK Recovery Group will recover debts faster because they have the knowledge and resources to handle such cases. Additionally, they can take Legal Action when other methods fail, although this should be considered a last resort due to the time and costs involved. Ensure you have a credit agency/legal expert to oversee the process and handle it correctly and efficiently.

Convert Debt to Dollars

Improved cash flow with fewer debts is the ultimate goal in any business, big or small. Knowing the challenges that one faces is the first step toward addressing the issue of debt collection. After that, employing ways to recover what’s owed without breaking the relationship with a debtor is the desired result.

While companies can recover work internally it usually takes them away from their core business. Therefore it is highly recommended to hire the services of a debt collection agency whose aim is to recover what is rightfully expected. For such an arrangement, call RHK Recovery Group at 631-773-4450 for help with your accounts receivables.